Last Updated on 10 months by hejalbood
The total time difference between India and the United States of America (US) is 9 hours 30 minutes. On this day India is ahead of the United States. If India time is 22:00, then US time is 12:30. Many countries have changed time zones or show different times. This happens due to the rotation of the Earth. When the Earth completes its own revolution it is called the end of the day or 24 hours. As the Earth rotates on its axis, it rotates 15 degrees every hour.
The first country to see sunrise is New Zealand and the last country to see sunrise is American Samoa. In India, the first sunrise can be seen at Don village in Arunachal Pradesh and the last sunrise can be seen at Guhar Moti in Gujarat. In the United States, the first sunrise varies depending on the season.
About India:
India is an independent country located in the southern part of Asia. It is the seventh largest country in the world by area and the second most populous country in the world. There are 28 states and eight union territories in India. New Delhi is the capital of India. Every state has its own capital. In India, people follow different cultures in different states and different languages are spoken throughout the country. There are 22 official languages and about 200 languages spoken throughout the country. The currency used in India is called Rupee. Citizens of India are called “Indians”.
About of United States or the United States of America
The United States of America is also known as the United States. It is located in North America. It is considered the most powerful country in the world. It is the third most populous country in the world. It includes 50 states and 14 union territories. Washington, DC is the capital of the United States of America. Every state has its own capital. The currency used in America is called dollar. Citizens of the United States are called “Americans”. Residents of the United States speak more than 350 languages.
India and America share a wonderful and healthy bond. A lot of trade, import and export, is carried out successfully between the two countries. Many Indians live in the United States and some have green cards.
Time difference between India and America (different time zones)
There is only one time zone in India which is called Indian Standard Time. There are officially six time zones in the United States, also known as IST. These are Hawaii Standard Time Zone, Hawaiian-Aleutian Time Zone, Alaska Summer Time Zone, Pacific Summer Time Zone, Mountain Standard Time Zone, and Mountain Summer Time Zone.
Find out about the time difference between each US time zone and Indian Standard Time (IST).
Time difference between Hawaii and India’s standard time:
Hawaii Standard Time Zone is abbreviated as HST (Honolulu). India is 15 hours 30 minutes ahead of Hawaii Standard Time. If Honolulu time is 4:00 pm, India time is 7:30 am.
Time difference between Hawaii/Aleutian Islands time zone and India:
In Hawaii and the Aleutian Islands, the summer time zone is abbreviated as HDT. India is 14 hours 30 minutes ahead of Hawaii and the Aleutian Islands daylight saving time. If Honolulu time is 17:00, India time is 7:30 am.
Time difference between Alaska and India’s summer time zone:
Alaska’s summer time zone is abbreviated AKDT (Anchorage). India is 13 hours 30 minutes ahead of Alaska daylight saving time. If the time in Anchorage is 18:00, then the time in Anchorage is 7:30 am.
Time difference between Pacific Time Zone and India:
Pacific Time Zone Abbreviated as PDT (Los Angeles). India is 12 hours 30 minutes ahead of Pacific Daylight Time. If the time in Los Angeles is 19:00, the time in India is 7:30.
Time difference between Mountain Standard Time and India:
Mountain Standard Time Zone is abbreviated as MST (Phoenix). India is 11 hours 30 minutes ahead of Mountain Standard Time. If Phoenix time is 20:00, India time is 7:30 am.
Mountain Time Zone, Daylight Saving Time and Time Difference with India:
Mountain Daytime Zone is abbreviated as MDT (Salt Lake City). India is 11 hours 30 minutes ahead of Mountain Daylight Saving Time. If the time in Salt Lake City is 8 pm, then the time in India is 7:30 am.