Last Updated on 2 years by sonnysuman

In the first-ever case of successful pregnancies with uterus transplants, Swedish doctors have announced that nine women who received new uteruses from living donors are pregnant and will give birth in 2018 or 2019. Each of the nine women were born without a uterus or had uteruses that did not function properly and decided to seek out new ones to help them conceive children and carry them to term. Their births would mark the world’s first uterine transplant pregnancies and births, according to news releases from University of Gothenburg researchers who helped the nine women receive their transplants between 2012 and 2014.

What Is a Uterus Transplant?

A uterus transplant is a surgery where a healthy uterus is transplanted into a woman who doesn’t have one or whose uterus is damaged. This surgery can allow the woman to carry her own child.

Who Gets an Artificial Uterus?

So far, uterus transplants have only been performed on women who were born without a uterus or who lost their uterus to cancer. In the future, though, this surgery could be an option for women who have uterine factor infertility (UFI). This is a condition in which the uterus is structurally abnormal or missing and prevents a woman from carrying a pregnancy.

Surgically-Implantable Bioprosthetic Device (BIPD)

In 2016, the first successful uterus transplant in the United States was performed at the Cleveland Clinic. The recipient was a 32-year-old woman who had been born without a uterus. The donor was a deceased organ donor. The surgery took place over the course of nine hours, and the transplanted uterus was removed after the birth of the baby.

What Happens During Surgery?

The first step is to remove the donor uterus. This is done through an incision in the lower abdomen. Next, the surgeon will attach the blood vessels of the donor uterus to those of the recipient. Once this is done, the uterus is inserted into the recipient\’s pelvis and positioned in its proper place. The final step is to close up any incisions made during surgery.

What Will My Recovery Be Like?

After the transplant surgery, you will need to stay in the hospital for at least a week. You will be on IV antibiotics and pain medication. You will also have a Foley catheter in your bladder. You will likely be able to go home with a prescription for oral antibiotics and pain medication. You will need to take it easy for at least six weeks. No heavy lifting or sex during this time! Once you are cleared by your doctor, you can start trying to get pregnant.

What Are the Benefits of Having a Bioprosthetic Device (BIPD)?

There are many benefits to having a Bioprosthetic Device (BPD), which is also known as a uterus transplant. This type of transplant can allow women who have previously been unable to conceive or carry a pregnancy to full term, to do so. Additionally, BPDs can help women who have had their uterus removed due to cancer or other health conditions, regain the ability to conceive.


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