Last Updated on 2 years by sonnysuman

In order to track birthdays in HubSpot, you’ll need to download the Birthday field app and add it to your contact form template. This article will walk you through how to do both of these steps.

Navigate to Settings > Contacts

In order to add a birthday field to HubSpot, you\’ll need to navigate to Settings > Contacts. Once there, click on the Fields tab and then scroll down to the Add new field section. In the Field type dropdown menu, select Date. Next, give your field a name (e.g., Birthday) and then click Create field. That\’s it! Now you\’ll have a birthday field that you can use for your contacts.

Click on Edit Fields

  1. To add a birthday field to your HubSpot account, click on the Edit Fields button in the Contacts section of your account.
  2. On the Fields page, click on the Add Field button.
  3. In the Add Field popup, select the Date field type and enter Birthday as the field label.

Select Birthday

How to add birthday field to HubSpot, you\’ll first need to create a new contact property. To do this, go to your Contacts tab, click the Create Property button, and select Date as the type of property you\’d like to create. Give your new property a name (like Birthday), and then click Create Property.

Save your changes!

  1. Log in to your HubSpot account and go to your Contacts tab.
  2. Click the Create property button.
  3. In the dialog box that appears, enter Birthday for the Property name and select Date & time from the Property type drop-down menu. Then click Create property.

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